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  About Us


Starting in 2024, The Price of Books hopes to provide readers and bibliohiles with the best offers throughout the book market by providing a state-of-the-art book price comparison engine. This means customers can search for book prices by ISBN, book title, or various keywords to find results within our expansive and ever-growing database.

Price Comparison

We offer users the ability to find the cheapest prices on the market. These links are sometimes affiliate links, the profit from which we use to grow our website and improve the services we offer.


With data on over 20 million books, we provide an API service for libraries, bookshops, and book-related startups. Customers can access up to 16 data points for each book including: Title, author, ISBN-10, ISBN-13, price, publisher, publication date, edition, dimensions, overview, synopsis, binding, weight, language, subjects, and live price.

Bookshop Pricing Data

As we offer live prices, we also provide bespoke data services for bookshops looking to gain insights into the competition. We offer sellers regular updates on prices, including where their books are being sold, for how much, and how often they are being sold.

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