The Price of Books Dataset

19,239,134 Books

From thousands of authors and publishers


Access extensive bibliographic data, including live pricing, authorship, and publication details.


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We continuously add new books to our database, ensuring up-to-date and diverse data.


We are here to serve your data needs. If you require any specific customizations, we will try our best to accommodate.

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Who Can Benefit?

Academic Institutions

Provide your students and users with up-to-date metrics and bibliographic details. Help students find items not currently in your library with our code snippet that links to the cheapest available copy on the internet.

Online Booksellers

Ensure your website and stores have full searchability to give customers a streamlined experience with your business.


Streamline book distribution with accurate and real-time bibliographic data.

Bibliophile Startups

With access to a modern and comprehensive dataset, you can streamline your startup processes, allowing you to grow your company faster.

Further Non-Profits and For-Profit Companies

Utilize our dataset for innovative applications in your respective fields.
